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syntax = "proto3";
package transfer;
option go_package="./transfer";
message DefaultRes {
string code=1;
string message=2;
message DefaultReq {
string merchantId = 1;
uint64 timeStamp = 2;
string sign = 3;
service Transfer {
rpc zltxOrderRecharge(ZltxOrderRechargeReq) returns(DefaultRes);
rpc zltxOrderRechargeQuery(ZltxOrderRechargeQueryReq) returns(ZltxOrderRechargeQueryRes);
rpc zltxOrderCard(ZltxOrderCardReq) returns(DefaultRes);
rpc zltxOrderCardQuery(ZltxOrderCardQueryReq) returns(ZltxOrderCardQueryRes);
rpc zltxOrderSms(ZltxOrderSmsReq) returns(ZltxOrderSmsRes);
rpc zltxRechargeInfo(DefaultReq) returns(ZltxRechargeInfoRes);
rpc zltxRechargeProduct(DefaultReq) returns(ZltxRechargeProductRes);
rpc zltxRsMiXue(RsCouponGrantReq) returns(RsCouponGrantRes);
rpc marketKeySend(MarketKeySendReq) returns(MarketKeySendRes);
rpc marketKeyDiscard(MarketKeyDiscardReq) returns(MarketKeyDiscardRes);
rpc marketQuery(MarketQueryReq) returns(MarketQueryRes);
rpc rsCouponGrant(RsCouponGrantReq) returns(RsCouponGrantRes);
rpc newMarketOrder(NewMarketOrderReq) returns(NewMarketOrderRes);
rpc newMarketQuery(NewMarketQueryReq) returns(NewMarketOrderRes);
rpc newMarketDiscard(NewMarketDiscardReq) returns(NewMarketDiscardRes);
rpc physicalGoodsList(PhysicalGoodsListReq) returns(PhysicalGoodsListRes);
rpc physicalGoodsDetail(PhysicalGoodsDetailReq) returns(GoodsStructWithChild);
rpc physicalGoodsStock(PhysicalGoodsStockReq) returns(PhysicalGoodsStockRes);
rpc physicalCusLogs(PhysicalCusLogsReq) returns(PhysicalCusLogsRes);
rpc physicalCusBalance(EmptyReqs) returns(PhysicalCusBalanceRes);
rpc physicalExpressList(PhysicalExpressListReq) returns(PhysicalExpressListRes);
rpc physicalAddressList(PhysicalAddressListReq) returns(PhysicalAddressListRes);
rpc physicalFinanceBill(PhysicalFinanceBillReq) returns(PhysicalFinanceBillRes);
rpc physicalOrderInfo(PhysicalOrderInfoReq) returns(PhysicalOrderInfoRes);
rpc physicalOrderList(PhysicalOrderListReq) returns(PhysicalOrderListRes);
rpc physicalOrderSub(PhysicalOrderSubReq) returns(PhysicalOrderSubRes);
rpc physicalOrderClose(PhysicalOrderCloseReq) returns(PhysicalOrderCloseRes);
rpc physicalOrderLogisticsLogs(PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsReq) returns(PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsRes);
rpc physicalOrderAfterApply(PhysicalOrderAfterApplyReq) returns(PhysicalOrderAfterApplyRes);
rpc physicalOrderAfterReturn(PhysicalOrderAfterReturnReq) returns(PhysicalOrderAfterReturnRes);
message PhysicalOrderAfterApplyRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderAfterApplyResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderAfterApplyResData {
repeated string order_after_nums = 1;
message PhysicalOrderAfterApplyReq {
string app_id=3;
OrderAfterOpBasic orderAfterBasic = 1;
repeated OrderAfterOpGoodsInfo goodsList = 2;
message OrderAfterOpBasic {
int32 id = 1 [json_name = "id"];
string order_after_num = 2 [json_name = "order_after_num"];
string operator = 3 [json_name = "operator"];
int32 operator_id = 4 [json_name = "operator_id"];
int32 type = 5 [json_name = "type"];
int32 send_status = 6 [json_name = "send_status"];
string reason = 7 [json_name = "reason"];
string image = 8 [json_name = "image"];
string old_order_num = 9 [json_name = "old_order_num"];
string new_order_num = 10 [json_name = "new_order_num"];
string return_logistics = 11 [json_name = "return_logistics"];
string return_logistics_odd_num = 12 [json_name = "return_logistics_odd_num"];
string remark = 13 [json_name = "remark"];
int32 status = 14 [json_name = "status"];
string audit_at = 15 [json_name = "audit_at"];
string created_at = 16 [json_name = "created_at"];
message OrderAfterOpGoodsInfo {
int32 id = 1 [json_name = "id"];
int32 order_after_id = 2 [json_name = "order_after_id"];
int32 goods_id = 3 [json_name = "goods_id"];
string goods_name = 4 [json_name = "goods_name"];
string goods_num = 5 [json_name = "goods_num"];
int32 number = 6 [json_name = "number"];
int32 total_number = 7;
double price = 8 [json_name = "price"];
string created_at = 9 [json_name = "created_at"];
int32 old_goods_id = 10 [json_name = "old_goods_id"];
int32 supplier_id = 11 [json_name = "supplier_id"];
string supplier_name = 12 [json_name = "supplier_name"];
int32 warehouse_id = 13 [json_name = "warehouse_id"];
string warehouse_name = 14 [json_name = "warehouse_name"];
string old_goods_name = 15 [json_name = "old_goods_name"];
string old_goods_num = 16 [json_name = "old_goods_num"];
string new_goods_num = 17 [json_name = "new_goods_num"];
message PhysicalOrderAfterReturnRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderAfterReturnResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderAfterReturnResData {
string order_after_num = 1;
message PhysicalOrderAfterReturnReq {
string app_id=5;
int32 order_after_id = 1 [json_name = "order_after_id"];
string return_logistics = 2 [json_name = "return_logistics"];
string return_logistics_odd_num = 3 [json_name = "return_logistics_odd_num"];
string order_after_num = 4 [json_name = "order_after_num"];
message PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsResData{
repeated OrderOpLogistics orderLogistics = 1;
message OrderOpLogistics {
int32 order_id = 1;
string logistics_name = 2;
string logistics_odd_num = 3;
double logistics_fee = 4;
string order_num = 5;
int32 status = 9;
string created_at = 10;
int32 id = 11;
string logistics_json = 12;
message PhysicalOrderLogisticsLogsReq{
string app_id=3;
string order_num = 1 [json_name = "order_num"];
string customer_order_num = 2 [json_name = "customer_order_num"];
message PhysicalOrderCloseRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderCloseResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderCloseResData{
string order_num = 1;
int32 status = 2;
message PhysicalOrderCloseReq{
string app_id=3;
string order_num = 1;
string message = 2;
message PhysicalOrderSubRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderSubResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderSubResData{
string order_num = 1;
message PhysicalOrderSubReq{
string app_id=3;
OrderOpBasicInfo orderBasic = 1;
repeated OrderOpSubmitGoodsInfo goodsList = 2;
message OrderOpSubmitGoodsInfo {
int32 number = 17; // 商品数量
string goods_num = 19; // 商品编号
double sale_price = 20; // 商品编号
message PhysicalOrderListRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
OrderListData data = 3;
message OrderListData{
repeated OrderListDataList list = 1;
uint32 total = 2;
message OrderListDataList{
repeated OrderOpGoodsInfo goodsList = 1;
OrderOpBasicInfo orderBasic = 2;
message OrderInfoData{
repeated OrderOpGoodsInfo goodsList = 1;
OrderOpBasicInfo orderBasic = 2;
message PhysicalOrderListResData{
repeated List list = 1;
uint32 total = 2;
message PhysicalOrderListReq {
string app_id=10;
int32 page = 1;
int32 limit = 2;
repeated string order_nums = 3 [json_name = "order_nums"];
int32 from = 4 ; //订单来源1前端用户订单2管理后台订单3售后订单
repeated int32 status = 5;
int32 is_after = 6;
repeated string customer_order_nums = 7;
repeated int32 abnormal_status = 8;
repeated string created_at = 9;
repeated string supplier_ids = 11;
message PhysicalOrderInfoRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalOrderInfoResData data = 3;
message PhysicalOrderInfoResData {
OrderInfoData orderInfo=1;
message OrderOpBasicInfo {
string customer_order_num = 1 ; // 客户订单编号
int32 customer_id = 2 ; // 客户ID
string customer_name = 3 ; // 客户名称
string consignee = 4 ; // 收货人
string consignee_mobile = 5 ;
string consignee_address = 6 ; // 收货地址
string consignee_province_code = 7 ; // 省份编码
string consignee_city_code = 8 ; // 市编码
string consignee_area_code = 9 ; // 区编码
string consignee_county_code = 10; // 县编码
double total_amount = 12 ; // 订单总额,单位元,小数点两位
string in_remark = 14; // 客服备注
string created_at = 16;
int32 status = 17;
string send_at = 18;
int32 id = 21; // 订单ID
string order_num = 22; // 订单编号
double logistics_fee = 23; // 运费
int32 order_after_type = 29;
message OrderOpGoodsInfo {
int32 order_id = 1;
int32 goods_id = 2;
string goods_name = 3;
string goods_specs = 6; // 商品品牌
string goods_unit = 7; // 单位
double sale_price = 9; // 销售价
int32 compose_goods_id = 10; // 组合商品ID
string compose_goods_name = 11; // 组合商品名称
int32 is_compose = 16; // 是否组合商品 0 不是, 1 是
int32 number = 17; // 商品数量
repeated OrderOpSubmitGoodsInfo childrenGoodsList = 18; // 组合商品列表,如果是组合商品,拼接子商品
message PhysicalOrderInfoReq{
string app_id=5;
string order_num = 1 ;
message BillCus{
string customer_name = 1 [json_name = "customer_name"];
string goods_name = 2 [json_name = "goods_name"];
double settlement_unit_price = 3 [json_name = "settlement_unit_price"];
int32 number = 4;
double total_amount = 5 [json_name = "total_amount"];
int32 pay_type = 6 [json_name = "pay_type"];
int32 receipt_type = 7 [json_name = "receipt_type"];
string created_at = 8 [json_name = "created_at"];
string updated_at = 9 [json_name = "updated_at"];
int32 is_confirm = 10 [json_name = "is_confirm"];
int32 is_invoicing = 11 [json_name = "is_invoicing"];
message PhysicalFinanceBillReq {
string app_id=8;
string goods_name = 1;
int32 pay_type = 2 ;
int32 receipt_type = 3;
repeated string created_at = 4;
repeated string updated_at = 5;
int32 limit = 6;
int32 page = 7;
message PhysicalFinanceBillRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalFinanceBillResData data = 3;
message PhysicalFinanceBillResData {
repeated BillCus data = 1;
int32 total = 2;
message PhysicalAddressListReq{
string app_id=5;
string pcode = 1 [json_name = "pcode"];
string name = 2 [json_name = "name"];
int32 level = 3 [json_name = "level"];
message PhysicalAddressListRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
List data = 3;
message List{
repeated Address list = 1;
message Address{
string code = 1 [json_name = "code"];
string pcode = 2 [json_name = "pcode"];
string name = 3 [json_name = "name"];
int32 level = 4[json_name = "level"];
message PhysicalExpressListRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
List data = 3;
message PhysicalExpressListResData{
repeated ExpressList express = 1;
message ExpressList{
string nu = 1;
int32 status = 2;
repeated Express data = 3;
message Express{
string time = 1;
string context = 2;
message PhysicalExpressListReq{
string app_id=5;
repeated ExpressData express_data = 1;
message ExpressData{
// 快递单号
string nu = 1;
// 快递公司名称
string com = 2;
// 是否强制刷新
int32 is_force = 3;
message EmptyReqs{
string app_id=5;
message PhysicalCusBalanceRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalCusBalanceResData data = 3;
message PhysicalCusBalanceResData{
string name = 1;
string full_name = 2;
float credit_grant = 17;
float balance = 18;
message PhysicalCusLogsReq{
string app_id=5;
int32 from_type = 1;
string order_num=4;
repeated string created_at = 2;
int32 limit = 6;
int32 page = 7;
message PhysicalCusLogsRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalCusLogsResDataList data = 3;
message PhysicalCusLogsResDataList{
repeated BalanceLog list = 1;
int32 total = 2;
message BalanceLog {
int32 from_type=1;
float current_balance=2;
float amount=3;
string remark=4;
string created_at=5;
string order_num=6;
message PhysicalGoodsStockReq{
string app_id=5;
repeated string goods_nums = 1;
message PhysicalGoodsStockRes{
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
PhysicalGoodsStockResData data = 3;
message PhysicalGoodsStockResData{
repeated GoodsStock list = 1;
message GoodsStock{
string goods_num = 1;
bool stock_is_enough = 2;
message PhysicalGoodsDetailReq{
string app_id=5;
string goods_num = 1 ;
message PhysicalGoodsListReq {
string app_id=5;
repeated string goods_nums = 3;
int32 status = 1;
string title = 2;
int32 is_hot =4;
message PhysicalGoodsListRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
List data = 3;
message GoodsStructWithChild {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
GoodsStructWithChildData data = 3;
message GoodsStructWithChildData {
string title = 2 ;
string introduction = 3 ;
string brand = 30;
string goods_num = 4;
string goods_code = 5;
string goods_bar_code = 6;
int32 is_compose_goods = 7;
float price = 8;
string unit = 9 ;
int32 sell_by_date = 10 ;
string sell_by_date_unit = 11 ;
string external_url = 12 ;
float external_price = 14 ;
float discount = 13 ;
float sales_price = 15 ;
string goods_attributes = 17 ;
string goods_illustration = 25 ;
int32 status = 18 ;
int32 is_hot = 19 ;
repeated GoodsChild child = 28 ;
repeated Media media = 31;
message Media{
int32 type=6 ;
int32 sort =4;
string url =9;
message GoodsChild {
string title = 2 ;
string brand = 29;
string introduction = 3 ;
string goods_num = 4 ;
string goods_code = 5 ;
string goods_bar_code = 6 ;
int32 price = 8 ;
string unit = 9 ;
int32 sell_by_date = 10 ;
string sell_by_date_unit = 11 ;
string external_url = 12 ;
float external_price = 14 ;
string goods_attributes = 17 ;
string goods_illustration = 25;
message NewMarketDiscardReq {
string app_id = 1;
string out_biz_no = 2;
string trade_no = 3;
message NewMarketDiscardRes {
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
string reason=4;
message NewMarketQueryReq {
string app_id = 1;
string out_biz_no = 2;
string trade_no = 3;
message NewMarketOrderReq {
string app_id = 4;
string out_biz_no = 1;
string activity_no = 2;
int32 number = 3;
message NewMarketOrderRes {
string message = 2;
int32 code = 1;
string reason=4;
Data data = 5;
message Data {
string out_biz_no = 1;
string trade_no = 2;
string key = 3;
int32 status = 4;
string url = 5;
uint32 usable_num=10;
uint32 usage_num=11;
string valid_begin_time = 6;
string valid_end_time = 7;
string usage_time = 8;
string discard_time = 9;
message RsCouponGrantReq {
string vendorNo = 1;
string data = 2;
string out_biz_no = 3;
int32 num=4;
string sign = 5;
message RsCouponGrantRes {
string code = 1;
string message = 2;
string status = 3;
Data data = 4;
message Data {
string sipOrderNo = 1;
string vendorOrderNo = 2;
repeated VoucherInfo voucherInfo = 3;
message VoucherInfo {
string voucherCode = 1;
string voucherPassword = 2;
string voucherDesc = 3;
string qrCodeUrl = 4;
string startTime = 5;
string endTime = 6;
message MarketQueryRes {
string errCode=1;
string msg=2;
Data data=3;
message Data{
string voucher_id = 1;
string voucher_code = 2;
string voucher_status = 5;
message MarketQueryReq {
string app_id = 1;
uint64 sign = 2;
string req_code = 3;
string mem_id = 4;
string req_serial_no = 5;
string timestamp = 6;
string voucher_id = 8;
string voucher_code = 9;
message MarketKeyDiscardRes {
string errCode=1;
string msg=2;
Data data=3;
message Data{
string voucher_id = 1;
string voucher_code = 2;
string voucher_date = 4;
string status = 5;
message MarketKeyDiscardReq {
string app_id = 1;
uint64 sign = 2;
string req_code = 3;
string mem_id = 4;
string req_serial_no = 5;
string timestamp = 6;
string voucher_id = 8;
string voucher_code = 9;
message MarketKeySendRes {
string errCode=1;
string msg=2;
Data data=3;
message Data{
string voucher_id = 1;
string voucher_code = 2;
string short_url = 3;
string voucher_sdate = 4;
string voucher_edate = 5;
string code_type = 6;
message MarketKeySendReq {
string app_id = 1;
string sign = 2;
string req_code = 3;
string mem_id = 4;
string req_serial_no = 5;
string timestamp = 6;
string pos_id = 7;
string voucher_id = 8;
int64 voucher_num = 9;
string mobile_no = 10;
string send_msg = 11;
message ZltxRechargeProductRes {
string code=1;
string message=2;
repeated Product products=3;
message Product{
int64 productId=1;
string channelPrice=2;
string itemName=3;
string originalPrice=4;
message ZltxRechargeInfoRes {
string code=1;
string balance=2;
message ZltxOrderSmsRes {
string code=1;
string message=2;
string status = 3;
string outTradeNo=4;
message ZltxOrderSmsReq {
int64 merchantId = 1;
uint64 timeStamp = 2;
string sign = 3;
string outTradeNo = 4;
message ZltxOrderCardQueryRes {
string code=1;
string message=2;
string status = 3;
string outTradeNo=4;
message ZltxOrderCardQueryReq {
int64 merchantId = 1;
uint64 timeStamp = 2;
string sign = 3;
string outTradeNo = 4;
message ZltxOrderCardReq {
int64 merchantId = 1;
string sign = 2;
uint64 timeStamp = 3;
string outTradeNo = 4;
int64 productId=5;
string mobile=6;
uint32 accountType=7;
int32 number=8;
string notifyUrl=9;
string extendParameter=10;
message ZltxOrderRechargeQueryRes {
string code=1;
string message=2;
string status = 3;
string outTradeNo=4;
message ZltxOrderRechargeQueryReq {
uint64 merchantId = 1;
uint64 timeStamp = 2;
string sign = 3;
string outTradeNo = 4;
message ZltxOrderRechargeReq {
uint64 merchantId = 1;
string sign = 2;
uint64 timeStamp = 3;
string outTradeNo = 4;
int64 productId=5;
string rechargeAccount=6;
uint32 accountType=7;
int32 number=8;
string notifyUrl=9;
string extendParameter=10;