487 lines
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487 lines
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<!-- mask -->
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<view class="mk plr50 pos flex_column flex_items">
<view class="f40 abs bold" style="color: #CA7340;top: 24rpx;">活动规则</view>
<view class="plr50 flex_column f24" style="color: #2B6DA8;">
<view class="" style="margin-top:130rpx;">1.【活动时间】2023年11月1日至2023年12月31日。</view>
<view class="mt20">
<view class="mt20">
<view class="mt20">4【活动细则】此为文字内容此为文字内容此为文字内容此为文字内容此为文字内容此为文字内容此为。</view>
<image @click="closemsk" class="abs" :src="imgUrl+'cha.png'"
style="width: 52rpx;height: 52rpx;bottom: -100rpx;" mode=""></image>
<!-- 中将 -->
<view class="mask flex_items flex_center" v-if="ismask2">
<view class="mk2 plr50 flex_column flex_items pos">
<view v-if="jiang=='很遗憾,没有中奖'" class="f36 bold"
style="color: #003A6E;margin-top:150rpx;opacity: 0;">
<view v-else class="f36 bold" style="color: #003A6E;margin-top:150rpx;">恭喜您获得</view>
<view class="mt40 f40" style="color: #003A6E;">{{jiang}}</view>
<view class="mt30 f24" style="color: #003A6E;">请到【我的奖品】中查看</view>
<view class="flex_items flex_center btnl mt40" @click="gomyp">
<text class="f32" style="color: #fff;">确认</text>
<image @click="closemsk" class="abs" :src="imgUrl+'cha.png'"
style="width: 52rpx;height: 52rpx;bottom: -100rpx;" mode=""></image>
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<text class="f24">活动规则</text>
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<view class="tagr flex_items flex_center mt20" style="color: #fff;z-index: 8" @click="gomyp">
<text class="f24">我的奖品</text>
<image class="ml10" :src="imgUrl+'rightg.png'" style="width:22rpx;height:20rpx;" mode="">
<view class="gw pos" style="margin-top:100rpx;background: #FCC988;z-index: 8;">
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<view class="flex_items flex_center">
<text class="bold f44" style="color: #FE5F38;">{{jiang}}</text>
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style="z-index:5;width: 100%;height: 360rpx;background: transparent;">
<cover-view class="bold f50" style="color: #B79A94;">点击开始刮奖</cover-view>
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<text class="bolder f40" style="color: #E57524;">
<view class="mt30 ptb30"
style="width:calc(100% - 120rpx);background: #FFE9B8;border-radius: 20rpx;border: 4rpx solid #fff;">
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<div class="marquee_box" ref="marquee_box">
<div class="marquee_list" :class="{marquee_top:animate}">
<div class="">
<div v-for="(item,index) in zjlist" :key="index"
class="mt30 flex_start flex_items pb30" style="width:100%;color: #E57524;">
<text class="f24 ml10">恭喜:{{item.user_name}}的用户获得</text>
<text class="f24">{{item.prize}}</text>
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import {
} from '../../uni_modules/uview-ui/libs/mixin/mixin.js'
// import Scratch from '@/util/scratch.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
showGjBth: true,
again: false,
imgUrl: "",
freeNum: 0,
prizeList: [],
zjlist: [],
animate: false,
showNum: 3, // 可见列表条数
ismask: false,
ismask2: false,
jiang: "",
ctx: {},
show: false,
width: 300,
height: 300,
maskColor: "#ddd",
size: 15,
r: 15,
area: "",
scale: .5,
totalArea: 0,
clearPoints: []
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad(options) {
this.acid = options.id
this.imgUrl = this.api.imgUrl
created() {
let that = this
setInterval(that.showMarquee, 2000)
mounted() {
this.ctx = uni.createCanvasContext("ddmmo", this);
this.totalArea = this.width * this.height;
this.area = this.r * this.r;
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
this.show = false;
// 可见数据高度
this.$refs.marquee_box.style.height = this.showNum * 30 + 'px'
methods: {
// 获取奖品列表
async getPrizeList() {
title: '加载中...'
id: this.acid
}).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
this.zjlist = res.data.data.win_list
this.prizeList = res.data.data.prizes
} else {
title: res.data.message,
icon: 'none'
getover() {
let that = this
id: that.acid
}).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
if (res.data.data.length == 0) {
that.jiang = "很遗憾,没有中奖"
} else {
that.jiang = "恭喜,获得" + res.data.data.name
} else {
title: res.data.message,
icon: 'none'
gj() {
let that = this;
// 开始刮奖
// new Scratch(that, {
// canvasId: 'ddmmo'
// })
// that.drawMask()
that.showGjBth = false
that.again = false
//刮到指定区域大小后 刮卡已刮干净
clearCanvas() {
if (!this.again) {
this.ismask2 = true
this.again = true
// 处理数组方法
showMarquee() {
this.animate = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.animate = false
}, 1000)
closemsk() {
this.ismask = false
this.ismask2 = false
openmask() {
this.ismask = true
gomyp() {
url: "/pages/my/prizes?acid=" + this.acid
// 222222222222222
drawMask() {
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
touchStart(e) {
this.eraser(e, true);
touchMove(e) {
this.eraser(e, false);
touchEnd(e) {
if (this.show) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
eraser(e, bool) {
let len = this.clearPoints.length;
let count = 0;
let x = e.touches[0].x,
y = e.touches[0].y;
let x1 = x - this.size;
let y1 = y - this.size;
if (bool) {
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: x1 + this.r,
y2: y1 + this.r
for (let item of this.clearPoints) {
if (item.x1 > x || item.y1 > y || item.x2 < x || item.y2 < y) {
} else {
if (len === count) {
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: x1 + this.r,
y2: y1 + this.r
let clearNum = 0
clearNum = parseFloat(this.r * this.r * len) / parseFloat(this.scale * this.totalArea);
if (!this.show) {
this.clearNum = parseFloat(this.r * this.r * len) / parseFloat(this.scale * this.totalArea)
if (clearNum > .2) {
//if (len && this.r * this.r * len > this.scale * this.totalArea) {
this.show = true;
this.clearArcFun(x, y, this.r, this.ctx);
clearArcFun(x, y, r, ctx) {
let stepClear = 1;
clearArc(x, y, r);
function clearArc(x, y, radius) {
let calcWidth = radius - stepClear;
let calcHeight = Math.sqrt(radius * radius - calcWidth * calcWidth);
let posX = x - calcWidth;
let posY = y - calcHeight;
let widthX = 2 * calcWidth;
let heightY = 2 * calcHeight;
if (stepClear <= radius) {
ctx.clearRect(posX, posY, widthX, heightY);
stepClear += 1;
clearArc(x, y, radius);
/* pages/scratch/scratch.wxss */
.box {
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display: block;
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width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
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height: 490rpx;
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display: block;
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top: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%);
width: calc(100% - 150rpx);
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transition: all 1s;
margin-top: -30px;
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width: 159rpx;
height: 44rpx;
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #FFF2BA 0%, #F14A1A 100%);
border-radius: 22rpx 0rpx 0rpx 22rpx;
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background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.60);
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
position: fixed;
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z-index: 10;
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background-image: url('https://pfapi.86698.cn/static/images/zj.png');
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background-image: url('https://pfapi.86698.cn/static/images/btn.png');
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z-index: 555;
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background-image: url('https://pfapi.86698.cn/static/images/gw.png');
background-size: 100% 100%;
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