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<div id="rotation" v-if="layout=='2'">
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<div class="topBanner">
<img :src="topImg" alt="">
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<div class="saleNull" v-if="!goodsNum">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="commodity" v-if="goodsNum">
<div class="swiper-container">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide" v-for="(item,index) in swiperDataList" :key="index">
<div class="imgitemMask" v-if="item.available!=1">
<img v-if="item.available==4"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==2"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==3"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==6"
src="" alt="">
<div class="imgbox">
<img class="le-img" :src="item.show_url" :class="item.stock&&item.stock<0||item.available==7||item.available==8?'changegray':''"></img>
<div class="item-name" v-html="item.product_name" :class="item.stock&&item.stock<0||item.available==7||item.available==8?'changegray':''">
<!-- 立即兑换 -->
<div class="exchangeBtn" :class="gstatus!=1?'noexchangeBtn':''" :style="{'background': bgcolor,'color':'#fff'}"
<!-- 列表 -->
<div id="list" v-if="layout=='1'">
<div class="topBanner">
<img :src="topImg" alt="">
<div class="saleNull" v-if="!goodsNum">
<img src="" alt="">
<ul class="listcommity" v-if="goodsNum">
<li v-for="(item,i) in swiperDataList" :key="i">
<img :src="item.show_url" alt="" :class="item.stock&&item.stock<0||item.available==7||item.available==8?'changegray':''">
<font :class="item.stock&&item.stock<0||item.available==7||item.available==8?'changegray':''">{{item.product_name}}</font>
<span v-if="item.available==1" :style="{'background':bgcolor?bgcolor:'#F98F5B'}"
@click="exchangeBtn(item)" >兑换</span>
<span v-if="item.available!=1" class="bindexchange" :class="item.available==2?'begin':''"
<!-- 矩阵 -->
<div id="matrix" v-if="layout=='3'">
<div class="topBanner">
<img :src="topImg" alt="">
<div class="saleNull" v-if="!goodsNum">
<img src="" alt="">
<ul class="listcommity" v-if="goodsNum">
<li :class="item.stock&&item.stock<0||item.available==7||item.available==8?'changegray':''" v-for="(item,i) in swiperDataList" :key="i"
<span class="goodsIcon">
<img v-if="item.available==4"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==2"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==3"
src="" alt="">
<img v-if="item.available==6"
src="" alt="">
<img :src="item.show_url" alt="">
<!-- 弹出框 -->
<div class="mask" v-if="maskshow">
<div class="ipt_frame" :class="maskshow?'active':' '" v-if="iptshow">
<img src="" alt=""
<input type="tel" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')"
onKeypress="return(/[\d]/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)))" maxlength="11" v-model="account"
<input type="tel" onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')"
onKeypress="return(/[\d]/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)))" maxlength="11" v-model="reaccount"
<span class="sureBtn" @click="defineBtn()" :style="{'background':'bgcolor'}">确认</span>
<!-- 单条弹出框 -->
<div class="prompt" :class="promtshow?'proactive':''">
<!-- 弹出框 -->
<!-- 询问 -->
<div class="popboxshow" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='兑换'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<span @click="surexchangeBtn">确认兑换</span>
<!-- 弹出提示 -->
<div class="popboxshow" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='提示'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<div class="tip">
<p :class="gstatus==4||gstatus==6?'yettip':''">{{tiptext}}</p>
<span @click="successchangeBtn" :class="gstatus==4||gstatus==6?'yetexchange':''">知道了</span>
<!-- 成功 -->
<div class="popboxshow successbox" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='成功'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<span @click="successchangeBtnFn">我知道啦</span>
<img v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype!='成功'" class="closed"
src="" alt=""
new Vue({
el: '#homepage',
data() {
return {
swiperDataList: [], //轮播
layout: 3,
maskshow: false,
proname: '黄金爱奇艺',
promtshow: false,
promttip: '',
codebid: '',
account: '',
reaccount: '',
product_id: '',
productType: 1,
placeholder: '请输入手机号',
iptshow: false,
orderNo: '',
loading: true,
gstatus: 1,
popboxshow: false,
popboxtype: '兑换',
topImg: '',
goodsNum: false,
exchangeCommity: {}, //兑换选择的商品
bgcolor: '',
tiptext: '还没开始哟兑换时间为2021-12-05 12:12:12至2021-01-01 12:12:12',
successTip: '兑换成功,请关注短信通知!'
created() {
this.bgcolor = sessionStorage.getItem('bcolor');
this.topImg = sessionStorage.getItem('top_img');
this.layout = sessionStorage.getItem('showTyle');
methods: {
onSelected(item) {
this.proname = item.product_name;
this.product_id = item.product_id;
this.exchangeCommity = item;
this.gstatus = item.available;
// 单条弹框
openDialog() {
this.promtshow = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.promtshow = false;
this.promttip = '';
}, 3000)
getGoods() {
let self = this;
let data = {
"token": sessionStorage.getItem('token'),
req.axiosPostproducts('/key/products', data).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
self.swiperDataList =;>1;
if (>0) {
self.goodsNum = true;
self.$nextTick(function () {
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
slidesPerView: "auto",
loopAdditionalSlides: 1000,
centeredSlides: true,
observer: true,
observeParents: true,
loop: self.goodsShow,
onSlideChangeEnd: function (swiper) {
let row =[swiper.realIndex];
setTimeout(() => {
self.loading = false;
}, 100);
} else {
self.goodsNum = false;
} else {
self.maskshow = true;
self.popboxtype = '提示';
self.popboxshow = true;
self.tiptext = res.message;
if (res.code == -1) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = "./index.html?id=" + sessionStorage.getItem('linkId');
}, 3000);
}).catch(err => {
exchangeBtn(row = this.exchangeCommity) {
this.codebid = row.code_batch_id;
let gstatus = row.available;
this.gstatus = gstatus;
if (gstatus == 1) {
this.maskshow = true;
this.iptshow = true;
this.proname = row.product_name;
this.product_id = row.product_id;
this.productType = row.product_type;
} else {
this.maskshow = true;
this.popboxshow = true;
this.popboxtype = '提示';
this.iptshow = false;
if (gstatus == 2) { //未开始
this.tiptext = '还没开始哟,兑换时间为' + row.begin_time + '至' + row.end_time;
} else if (gstatus == 3) { //已结束
this.tiptext = '兑换已过期,兑换时间为' + row.begin_time + '至' + row.end_time;
} else if (gstatus == 4) { //仅兑换一次
this.tiptext = '亲,仅可兑换一次哦!';
} else if (gstatus == 6) { //无库存
this.tiptext = '暂无库存,看看其他商品吧~';
}else if (gstatus == 7) { //其他商品处于兑换中
this.tiptext = '当前商品不可兑换';
}else if (gstatus == 8) { //已兑换次数
this.tiptext = '当前商品不可兑换';
cancelBtn() {
this.maskshow = false;
this.account = "";
this.reaccount = "";
defineBtn() {
if (!this.account) {
this.promttip = '请输入兑换账号!'
return false;
} else {
let reg = /^[1][3,4,5,6,7,8,9][0-9]{9}$/.test(this.account) || /^[1-9][0-9]{4,9}$/.test(this.account);
let phonereg = /^[1][3,4,5,6,7,8,9][0-9]{9}$/.test(this.account);
let qqreg = /^[1-9][0-9]{4,9}$/.test(this.account);
let regflag = true;
if (this.productType == 1) {
regflag = phonereg;
} else if (this.productType == 2) {
regflag = qqreg;
} else if (this.productType == 4) {
regflag = reg;
if (!regflag) {
this.promttip = "充值账号格式不正确!"
return false;
if (this.reaccount == "") {
this.promttip = "请再次确认账号!";
return false;
if (this.account != this.reaccount) {
this.promttip = "两次输入的账号必须一致!";
this.reaccount == ""
return false;
this.maskshow = true;
this.popboxshow = true;
this.popboxtype = '兑换';
this.iptshow = false;
closeBtn() {
this.popboxshow = false;
this.maskshow = false;
this.account = "";
this.reaccount = "";
surexchangeBtn() {
let self = this;
let data = {
"key": sessionStorage.getItem('key'),
"product_id": this.product_id,
"account": this.account,
"code_batch_id": this.codebid,
req.axiosPostusage('/key/usage', data).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
// 查询订单接口
this.popboxtype = '成功';
this.popboxshow = true;
this.successTip = '兑换成功,请关注短信通知!';
} else {
this.popboxtype = '提示';
this.popboxshow = true;
this.tiptext = res.message;
if (res.code == -1) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = "./index.html?id=" + sessionStorage.getItem('linkId');
}, 2000);
}).catch(err => {
successchangeBtn() {
this.maskshow = false;
this.popboxshow = false;
this.account = "";
this.reaccount = "";
successchangeBtnFn() {
watch: {
productType() {
if (this.productType == 1) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号";
} else if (this.productType == 2) {
this.placeholder = "请输入QQ号";
} else {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号或QQ号";