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<div id="exchangePage">
<div v-if="!suspension">
<div class="about-good">
<img @click="backgoodsFn" v-if="backAble"
src="" alt="">
<img :src="goodsShow[0]" alt="" v-if="goodsShow.length<=1">
<div class="swiper-container" v-else>
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide" v-for="(item,i) in goodsShow" :key="i">
<img :src="item" alt="">
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
<div class="ipt-acc" style="position: relative;z-index: 99;" @click="bindAvailable">
<h4 class="title" v-if="goodInfo.product_type===2&&goodInfo.card_show==2">{{goodInfo.product_name}}</h4>
<template v-if="goodInfo.product_type===1||goodInfo.product_type===2&&goodInfo.card_show==1">
<p v-if="acctype=='tel'"><span>账号:</span><input :type="acctype"
onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')" :disabled="goodsDetail.available!=1"
onKeypress="return(/[\d]/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)))" :maxlength="maxlen" v-model="account"
:placeholder="placeholder" @focus="(e)=>focusFn(e)"></p>
<p v-if="acctype=='tel'"><span>再次输入:</span> <input :type="acctype"
onkeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/\D/g,'')" :disabled="goodsDetail.available!=1"
onKeypress="return(/[\d]/.test(String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)))" :maxlength="maxlen"
v-model="reaccount" placeholder="请再次输入" @focus="(e)=>focusFn(e)"></p>
<p v-if="acctype!='tel'"><span>账号:</span> <input :type="acctype" :maxlength="maxlen" v-model="account"
:disabled="goodsDetail.available!=1" :placeholder="placeholder" @focus="(e)=>focusFn(e)"></p>
<p v-if="acctype!='tel'"><span>再次输入:</span><input :type="acctype" :maxlength="maxlen" v-model="reaccount"
:disabled="goodsDetail.available!=1" placeholder="请再次输入" @focus="(e)=>focusFn(e)"></p>
<div class="bottom" id="bottom" v-show="describe.type||detailUrl">
<img :src="detailUrl" v-show="detailUrl">
<img :src="describe.bg_image" v-show="describe.type==1&&describe.bg_image">
<div v-html="describe.content" class="goodsTip" v-show="describe.type==3&&describe.content"></div>
<div class="e-btn-box">
<div class="order-box" v-if="!backAble">
<img src="" alt=""
<button class="exchange-btn"
:style="{'background': (exchangeOpen||(goodInfo.product_type===2&&goodInfo.card_show==2))?bgcolor:'#D7D7D7','color':(exchangeOpen||(goodInfo.product_type===2&&goodInfo.card_show==2))?ftcolor:'#333'}"
<!-- 单条弹出框 -->
<div class="prompt" :class="promtshow?'proactive':''">
<!-- 弹出框 -->
<div class="mask" v-if="maskshow">
<!-- 悬浮提示 -->
<div v-if="suspension" class="suspensionDom">
<img @click="closeTip" src=""
<div v-html="describe.content">
<img class="susTip" @click="susTipFn" v-if="describe.type==2&&describe.content&&!suspension"
src="" alt="">
<!-- 弹出框 -->
<!-- 询问 -->
<div class="popboxshow" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='兑换'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<p v-if="acctype=='tel'">{{goodInfo.product_type===1?`是否为账号${this.account}兑换${this.proname}权益?`:'是否确认兑换?'}}</p>
<p v-if="acctype=='text'">是否兑换{{this.proname}}权益?</p>
<span @click="surexchangeBtn">确认兑换</span>
<!-- 弹出提示 -->
<div class="popboxshow" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='提示'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<div class="tip">
<span @click="successchangeBtn">知道了</span>
<!-- 成功 -->
<div class="popboxshow successbox" v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype=='成功'" :class="popboxshow?'active':''">
<p :style="{fontSize:goodInfo.card_show===2?'0.13rem':''}">{{this.successTip}}</p>
<span @click="successchangeBtnFn">我知道啦</span>
<img v-if="popboxshow&&popboxtype!='成功'" class="closed"
src="" alt=""
const bm_obj_data = sessionStorage.getItem("bm_auth") ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("bm_auth")) : null;
let goodsCount = null, goodsDetail = null;
new Vue({
el: '#exchangePage',
data() {
return {
account: '',
reaccount: '',
maxlen: 11,
acctype: 'tel',
promttip: '',
promtshow: false,
productType: 0,
proname: '',
placeholder: '',
maskshow: false,
popboxshow: false,
exchangeOpen: false,
suspension: false,
popboxtype: '',
describe: {},
detailUrl: '',
successTip: '',
goodInfo: '',
bgcolor: '',
ftcolor: '',
goodsDetail: {},//商品详情
backAble: true,
bindClick: false,//控制遮罩显示
order_number: 0,
goodsShow: [
created() {
document.title = localStorage.getItem('title');
let detailsConfig = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('product_detail'));
goodsCount = sessionStorage.getItem('goodsCount');
this.backAble = goodsCount > 1;//多个商品才有返回
this.bgcolor = detailsConfig.button_color;
this.ftcolor = detailsConfig.font_color;
this.describe = detailsConfig.describe;
goodsDetail = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('goodsInfo'));//商品详情
this.goodsDetail = goodsDetail;//商品详情
let goodsInform = goodsDetail.entity; //商品信息
this.goodInfo = goodsInform;
let goods_desc = goodsInform.describe_url;
this.goodsShow = goods_desc.length > 0 ? goods_desc : [goodsInform.show_url];
this.detailUrl = goodsInform.detail_url ? goodsInform.detail_url : '';
this.productType = goodsDetail.entity.account_type;
/* 区分卡密短信 */
if (goodsInform.product_type === 2 && goodsInform.card_show == 1) {
this.productType = 1;
} else {
this.productType = goodsInform.account_type;
/* 微博 */
if (goodsDetail.entity.account_type == 0 && goodsInform.product_name.indexOf('微博') !== -1) {
this.productType = 99;
this.$nextTick(function () {
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
loop: true, // 循环模式选项
autoplay: 3000, //可选选项,自动滑动
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
mounted() {
// 领取成功结算 5
// 卡密特殊处理
if (bm_obj_data && !bm_obj_data.settlement_data.is_settlement && bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type === 5 && this.goodInfo.product_type !== 2) {
settlementFun(bm_obj_data.token, bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type);
methods: {
bindAvailable() {
if (goodsDetail.available != 1) {
this.openErrorDialog(product_status(goodsDetail.available, goodsDetail));
openErrorDialog(tip) {
this.maskshow = true;
this.popboxtype = '提示';
this.tiptext = tip;
this.popboxshow = true;
backgoodsFn() {
if (goodsCount > 1) {
} else {
closeTip() {
this.suspension = false;
susTipFn() {
this.suspension = true;
// 单条弹框
openDialog(tip) {
this.promtshow = true;
this.promttip = tip;
const clr = setTimeout(() => {
this.promtshow = false;
this.promttip = '';
}, 3000);
successchangeBtnFn() {
exchangeGoodsFn() {
if (goodsDetail.available != 1) {
return this.openErrorDialog(product_status(goodsDetail.available, goodsDetail));
/* 卡密商品直接兑换 */
if (this.goodInfo.product_type === 2 && this.goodInfo.card_show == 2 && this.backAble) {
this.maskshow = true;
this.popboxshow = true;
this.popboxtype = '兑换';
/* 当只有一个卡密商品、为线上查看卡密且只能兑换一次时执行 */
if (this.goodInfo.product_type === 2 && this.goodInfo.card_show == 2 && !this.backAble && this.goodsDetail.restrict == 1) {
return this.surexchangeBtn();
if (!this.account) {
return false;
} else {
let namereg = /\w{4}/.test(this.account);
let phonereg = /^[1][3,4,5,6,7,8,9][0-9]{9}$/.test(this.account);
let qqreg = /^[1-9][0-9]{4,9}$/.test(this.account);
let emailsreg = /^[A-Za-z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$/.test(this.account);
let weixinreg = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_-]{5,19}$/.test(this.account);
let regflag = true;
if ([0, 99].includes(this.productType)) {
/* 不做校验 */
} else if (this.productType == 1) {
regflag = phonereg;
} else if (this.productType == 2) {
regflag = emailsreg;
} else if (this.productType == 3) {
regflag = phonereg || emailsreg;
} else if (this.productType == 4) {
regflag = qqreg;
} else if (this.productType == 5) {
regflag = phonereg || qqreg;
} else if (this.productType == 6) {
regflag = emailsreg || qqreg;
} else if (this.productType == 7) {
regflag = phonereg || emailsreg || qqreg;
} else if (this.productType == 8) {
regflag = weixinreg;
} else if (this.productType == 9) {
regflag = phonereg || weixinreg;
} else if (this.productType == 10) {
regflag = emailsreg || weixinreg;
} else if (this.productType == 11) {
regflag = phonereg || emailsreg || weixinreg;
} else if (this.productType == 12) {
regflag = qqreg || weixinreg;;
} else if (this.productType == 13) {
regflag = phonereg || qqreg || weixinreg;
} else if (this.productType == 14) {
regflag = emailsreg || qqreg || weixinreg;
} else {
regflag = phonereg || emailsreg || qqreg || weixinreg;
if (!regflag) {
return false;
if (this.reaccount == "") {
return false;
if (this.account != this.reaccount) {
this.reaccount == "";
return false;
this.maskshow = true;
this.popboxshow = true;
this.popboxtype = '兑换';
surexchangeBtn() {
this.maskshow = false;
let self = this;
let data = {
"key": localStorage.getItem('key'),
"goods_id": this.goodInfo.goods_id,
"account": this.account,
"code_batch_id": this.goodInfo.code_batch_id,
"token": localStorage.getItem('token')
self.popboxshow = false;
req.axiosPost('/key/usage', data).then(res => {
// 使用结算 6
// 卡密做特殊处理,复制才会触发
if (bm_obj_data && !bm_obj_data.settlement_data.is_settlement && bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type === 6 && self.goodInfo.product_type !== 2) {
settlementFun(bm_obj_data.token, bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type);
if (res.code == 200) {
// 使用成功结算 7
// 直充类 上游充值返回成功
if (bm_obj_data && !bm_obj_data.settlement_data.is_settlement && bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type === 7 && self.goodInfo.product_type !== 2) {
settlementFun(bm_obj_data.token, bm_obj_data.settlement_data.settlement_type);
this.popboxtype = '成功';
sessionStorage.setItem('lastid', self.goodInfo.product_id);
/* product_type:2 兑换码
* card_show:2 线上查看卡密信息
* backAble是否多个商品
const clr = setTimeout(() => {
if (self.goodInfo.product_type === 2) {
window.location.href = '/orderDetails/cardOrder.html';
} else {
window.location.href = '/orderDetails/chargerOrder.html';
}, 1000);
} else {
if (res.code == 403) {
if (goodsCount > 1) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
} else {
let entryLink = localStorage.getItem('entryLink');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
}).catch(err => {
successchangeBtn() {
this.maskshow = false;
this.popboxshow = false;
this.account = "";
this.reaccount = "";
focusFn(a) {
if (goodsDetail.available != 1) {
let ele = document.querySelector('.ipt-acc');
setTimeout(function () {
document.body.scrollTop = ele.scrollHeight;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = ele.scrollHeight;
}, 400);
closeBtn() {
this.popboxshow = false;
this.maskshow = false;
this.account = "";
this.reaccount = "";
watch: {
account() {
if ((this.account == this.reaccount) && this.account) {
this.exchangeOpen = true;
} else {
this.exchangeOpen = false;
reaccount() {
if ((this.account == this.reaccount) && this.account) {
this.exchangeOpen = true;
} else {
this.exchangeOpen = false;
productType: {
immediate: true,
handler(newVal) {
this.maxlen = 50;
this.acctype = "text";
if (newVal == 0) {
this.placeholder = "请输入账号";
} else if (newVal == 1) {
this.acctype = "tel";
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号";
this.maxlen = 11;
} else if (newVal == 2) {
this.placeholder = "请输入邮箱";
} else if (newVal == 3) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号或邮箱";
} else if (newVal == 4) {
this.placeholder = "请输入QQ号";
this.acctype = "tel";
this.maxlen = 10;
} else if (newVal == 5) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号或QQ号";
this.maxlen = 11;
this.acctype = "tel";
} else if (newVal == 6) {
this.placeholder = "请输入邮箱或QQ号";
} else if (newVal == 7) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号/邮箱/QQ号";
} else if (newVal == 8) {
this.placeholder = "请输入微信号";
this.maxlen = 20;
} else if (newVal == 9) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号或微信";
this.maxlen = 20;
} else if (newVal == 10) {
this.placeholder = "请输入邮箱或微信号";
} else if (newVal == 11) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号/邮箱/微信号";
} else if (newVal == 12) {
this.placeholder = "请输入QQ号或微信号";
this.maxlen = 20;
} else if (newVal == 13) {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号/QQ号/微信号";
this.maxlen = 20;
} else if (newVal == 14) {
this.placeholder = "请输入邮箱/QQ号/微信号";
} else if (newVal == 99) {
this.placeholder = "请输入昵称";
} else {
this.placeholder = "请输入手机号/邮箱/QQ号/微信号";