feat: 删除无用代码

This commit is contained in:
wangsongsole 2023-04-19 09:09:20 +08:00
parent 81d2172252
commit 77d6d91a41
1 changed files with 43 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -46,219 +46,176 @@ import UseCouponCommodity from '@/pages/coupon/commodity';
const router = [
path: '/home/extension',
component: Extension,
meta: { exact: true }
component: Extension
path: '/home/distributor',
component: Distributor,
meta: { exact: true }
component: Distributor
path: '/home/exchangepage',
component: ExchangePage,
meta: { exact: true }
component: ExchangePage
path: '/home/mytempMould',
component: MyTempMouldAdd,
meta: { exact: true }
component: MyTempMouldAdd
path: '/home/myexchangetemplate',
component: MyExChangeTemplate,
meta: { exact: true }
component: MyExChangeTemplate
path: '/home/order-list',
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meta: { exact: true }
component: OrderList
path: '/home/download-orderlist',
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meta: { exact: true }
component: downloadList
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meta: { exact: true }
component: OrderDetails
path: '/home/order-add',
component: OrderAdd,
meta: { exact: true }
component: OrderAdd
path: '/home/plan',
component: Plan,
meta: { exact: true }
component: Plan
path: '/home/plan-list',
component: PlanList,
meta: { exact: true }
component: PlanList
path: '/home/plan-qrcode',
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meta: { exact: true }
component: Qrcode
path: '/home/plan-create',
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meta: { exact: true }
component: PlanAdd
path: '/home/plan-edit',
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component: PlanEdit
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component: PlanEditCopy
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meta: { exact: true }
component: KeyList
path: '/home/plan-keyList',
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component: KeysList
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component: KeyEdit
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component: keyAddEdit
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meta: { exact: true }
component: KeyDetail
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meta: { exact: true }
component: KeyLog
path: '/home/addkeyorder',
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component: KeyOrderList
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component: SubAccountList
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component: SubAccountAdd,
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component: SubAccountAdd
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path: '/home/exchangecode-list',
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meta: { exact: true }
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component: ProductEdit
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component: ExchangeCodeAdds
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component: CouponList
path: '/home/coupon-add-edit',
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meta: { exact: true }
component: CouponAddEdit
path: '/home/coupon-commodity',
component: UseCouponCommodity,
meta: { exact: true }
component: UseCouponCommodity